2012년 1월 2일 월요일


3 monthes ago, I went to 양천 to meet my cousin. And when we were going there from Seoul, I saw a mart, and we (mother, me, my brothers) decided to stop by to buy something to eat because we thought things there would be cheap.  And they indeed were. We found a box of mom's favorite snack 양파링, and that one whole box only costs 5000 won. We bought it without thinking and without a second look.

I found it here
But then, when we bought it and opened it up to eat, I realized this snack is disgusting. I looked at it again and it wasn't 양파, it was 양파!  I wanted that mart to burn down for letting me buy a whole box of this snack which tastes worse than real onions, I wanted the manager of this mart fired and...no, because it was my fault to buy this. But still, the company who made the second version of this snack used the same green color and blue banner! I thought of complaining, but my mom said leave it, so we went on the way to my cousin's again, except a little bit gloomy this time.

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