2012년 1월 15일 일요일

Charlie and the chocolate factory Review

The story <Charlie and the chocolate factory>, written by Roald Dahl is a fantastic book appropriate for a wide range of age. My team enjoyed reading this book and that’s why I am now going to write a review of the book.

First, I would like to give a summary of the story.
Charlie loves chocolate and gets one chocolate bar for his birthday everyday. Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory is close to where Charlie lives. Mr. Wonka shut himself from the public years ago because his workers were selling the secret of his new ideas. He made an announcement that he is reopening his factory to the five people who find a golden ticket in his chocolate bars.
The five lucky ones were chosen, and Charlie Bucket was one of them. Mr. Wonka’s factory is full of exciting surprise. Charlie and the children see the Oompa Loompas and all the amazing things in the factory.
However, the other four kids were all nasty. A greedy boy called Augustus falls into a pool of chocolate and has to be extracted from the pool filter. Violet is addicted to chewing gum and turns blue with Wonka’s new chewing gum. Mike Teavee, a very rude TV addict, is shrunk to TV size, and the demanding Veruca Salt is thrown into the garbage chute by squirrels she annoyed.
Charlie, the last remaining one, wins the prize which is Charlie and his family lives with Willy wonka in the factory and takes over the factory when he is old enough.

I think this story is a great fantasy. There are chocolate Rooms, chocolate water falls, Oompa Loompas, chocolate rivers, everlasting gobstoppers and so on. These things make me want to go to the chocolate factory instead of Charlie. This book had 5 characters that entered the factory because they got a golden ticket each. But except for Charlie, every other character was nasty and horrible. They caused bad things and consequences followed. I liked how they were punished in a nonviolent way, and got a song from Oompa Loompas each when they misbehaved. The story was pretty fun and when you read it, you will be forgetting other things and concentrate only on the content of the book because the description of characters, the stories are so detailed and interesting. I myself have read the book at least 3 times. People who have not yet read this book, I highly recommend it and I promise you will not regret your money.

I found this here

Haunted GLPS

   It all happened in one day. Everything was peaceful before this day-- students walked or ran in the hallways, attended classes, got scolded for presenting a bad speech, PAs rested on sofas working on their laptops.
  But at that day, awful things happened. As usual, students were walking to the dormitory after class by going up the hill beside 총무관. Walking up the stairs, nobody paid attention to the sign that said when the yellow light is on, beware the arrows and do not go up the hill. So nobody saw that the light was on already.
They started going up the hill, talking to each other happily. Then, the arrows flew toward them, as fast as bullets. Before they could fully realize what is going on, people were already screaming like burning mad people. A girl was shot in the shoulder, and the snow she stood on was suddenly reddened with blood. Everybody ran away, except for the girl that laid unconscious on the snow. Then, she was lifted up, and got carried into the abandoned dormitory which is beside the gym by a mysterious monstrous and somehow melancholic person.
   Her name is egg, and she woke up to find herself in a place she kind of recognized....it is the dormitory! Except no one was in the building, the walls were dirty, and mice crawled on the floor. She got scared, an cried for help. But no one came, because it was an abolished building. She shouted and shouted, and absorbed all the virus in the dormitory. She then fell dead. But before there was a chance for mice to eat her body, she rose again, a living dead.
   Hamtori was standing on the stage singing in a contest. His dream was to be a rapper, and he worked hard for it. 'i want to take it to the xxx bar' but he so good at rapping nobody wanted to listen to him sing, so he made a decision, and that is to quit singing, but begin studying and go to KMLA. He studied hard and finally got into KMLA.
   Everything was good there, and hamtori loved the school. He enjoyed every moment of the school at first,but he got bored later. There were so many rules such as no dating, he felt caged. He wanted to be free again, so he decided to take an adventure one night. But he didn't know where the adventure can take place. He and his friends went to the gym to do some sports after dinner, and an idea hit him-- he can go to the abolished dormitory which is beside the gym and take an adventure there! He was excited and went to see what the building is like as soon as his friends went back to dormitory.
   Hamtori stood on the hallway, suddenly overwhelmed with fear. Because he is sure he heard a noise...
Then suddenly, something fell from the ceiling. It was a girl. It was a corpse. But it was crawling. It was smiling. Hamtori froze and almost had an heart attack. The corpse was in front of him the next instant, face crippled and body rotten. Hamtori smacked its head and began to run away. The head flew away but it was picked up and sticked again, still smiling.
   Hamtori was running for his life, and he wanted to get out of that building as soon as possible. However, at the entrance, there was the girl, with her wicked smile. Hamtori at a moment thought that smile, it contained...hurt. Hamtori was confident in his strength so he kept running to the entrance and bumped the girl's shoulder. Something fell on the floor....it was a metal..it was an arrow. The girl smiled again, but it didn't look like it was a harmful smile. It was real and the smile contained some kind of gratitude toward him. The arrow.... He must have pushed it out of her shoulder... He looked up, but the girl was gone. He took a deep breath, and began to leave when he saw that the arrow was also gone.
He then heard the girl laugh, and far away down the hill, someone screamed.

2012년 1월 5일 목요일

Apology to Lieju

Mr.Dean asked for my help
Dear Lieju,
   I am writing this letter to say I am sorry. I sincerely am and I don't have any excuse.
   I am very sorry to hear you got teased and cried at the dormitory.  I should never have called you short in front of class 21. You are right, no one controls their height, and I teased you because of somthing natural.
   I promise I will say sorry to you in front of class 21 as soon as all the students in class 21 are in the classroom tommorrow, and educate them not to tease someone because of their height or appearence. I will also try to make amends by buying you your favortie snack the Hershey's.
   I wish you will forgive me, and make up with me again and let us be as close as before.

2012년 1월 3일 화요일


I would like to compliment our class PA 이철희 and Mr.Baumgarder.
First, our class PA  is kind, he likes to laugh, he doesn't show off like some of the other PAs, and he is kind of funny. I also admire him a lot because he used to studied well and is still studying now, and attends a  medical shool which is difficult to get in.
Now, I would like to comliment on Mr.Baumgardner. I think he has a really funny face, and especially his eyes look like they can pop out if he opens his eyes too widely. He can make a boring 4 class session with no rest into a funny class, so students won't fall asleep. I admire him for his jokes, and his kindness.

2012년 1월 2일 월요일


3 monthes ago, I went to 양천 to meet my cousin. And when we were going there from Seoul, I saw a mart, and we (mother, me, my brothers) decided to stop by to buy something to eat because we thought things there would be cheap.  And they indeed were. We found a box of mom's favorite snack 양파링, and that one whole box only costs 5000 won. We bought it without thinking and without a second look.

I found it here
But then, when we bought it and opened it up to eat, I realized this snack is disgusting. I looked at it again and it wasn't 양파, it was 양파!  I wanted that mart to burn down for letting me buy a whole box of this snack which tastes worse than real onions, I wanted the manager of this mart fired and...no, because it was my fault to buy this. But still, the company who made the second version of this snack used the same green color and blue banner! I thought of complaining, but my mom said leave it, so we went on the way to my cousin's again, except a little bit gloomy this time.